Midterms and Mosquitos

By Summer and Jas, PLE Wetlanders

And the dreaded day arrives… MIDTERM DAY!!!! After long nights of studying, we took our first exam of the course, which included an in-class portion as well as a visit to a few nearby sites for plant identification and wetland classification. On our way back, we drove through an intense thunderstorm and this was followed by a much-needed lunch hour.

Describing soil color.

After lunch, we had a quick lecture about wetland delineation. We then went across the street to meet Sydney and Brian from the Crawford County Conservation District for an brief demonstration of wetland delineation in the field. We practiced matching soil cores with Munsell soil color charts and learned a little bit about consulting careers (and got eaten alive by mosquitos). Overall, we had a successful day (“except for Jason’s parking…” – Sam).

Posted on May 22, 2024, in Wetland Ecology & Management (PLE) and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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